Just a quick school update, for friends who've been sending prayers. The State of Washington and City of Seattle, in their infinite wisdom and let's-focus-on-kids-first strategies, have declined to offer my son a spot in their subsidized get-ready-for-kindergarten ECEAP program. The sweet little school right down the street. He can't go there. Because he is FIVE YEARS OLD and OLD ENOUGH FOR KINDERGARTEN.
I finally got to talk to the head of the Department of Early Learning for the City of Seattle, after three + weeks of waiting. He can't go, because it's a "performance standard" and a "mandate." It's "legally binding" - whatever it is, this un-named rule that says he can't go to this free program that's supposed to help kids get ready for school.
We could pay for him to go. $560 per month for 4 afternoons - 12 hours - per week. Which we cannot afford. We qualify hands-down for this program in terms of financial need, no doubt.
So - that is my update on that.
But there is good news. We go tomorrow to visit the Capitol Hill Co-op preschool, where a good friend goes with her son. She'll show us around. We'll see if we like it as much as I expect we will. And hopefully that is where Finn will go to school. Much less money, and I get to work there in the classroom once per week.
We'll have to drive quite a ways - the co-ops closer to us are all full.
There is one closer, where another friend goes, and they do have an opening one day per week - so somehow, someway, I hope that Finn will be settled at a school by next week.
No idea how this will play out in terms of my work life. Other than I have to go buy a laptop this week. So I can sit in coffee shops and the Capitol Hill Library and work on my grant-writing and my novel.
If you need any grants written, shoot me a message. And check out my new blog -
Adventures of a Would-Be Novelist: www.would-be-novelist.blogspot.com -
and send me messages if you notice I haven't posted anything in over a week.
I need some help with this nose and grindstone business, I think.
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