In our midwife's beautiful old wood house, in Columbia City, Seattle, Washington.
It's cold and clear out, and so so quiet.
We had dinner at Tutta Bella, we walked there and back.
Earlier, Finn said "My friends are coming here today." And I tried to tell him it might be a few days before he got to see his friends. Then, about 30 minutes later, we looked out our window and Kenny said, "There's Tiffy." And there she was, Finn's Tiffy who watched him and loved him from 6 months old until we moved south 16 months ago. Walking by with 3 little ones. We went out to say hi; Finn hid behind me, then retreated to the safety of the front porch where he jumped up and down as high as he could, grinning.
We have an invitation to her potluck Thursday night, and an invitation to my sister-in-law's birthday dinner, too.
And an appointment to look at a house tomorrow. Maybe our new home. We'll see.
For now, this is a fine first home, this old wooden house where Kenny landed when he first arrived in Seattle nearly 20 years ago, where Finn spent his first 6 months playing with Isabelle when I worked, where Finn and I retreated during his first week of life when my blood pressure was high and they wanted me in the hospital, but we came here instead.
This is a birthing house.
It is the birth of our new life in Seattle. Our home.
Thanks be to God and Goddess, Higher Powers, Great Spirits, and the Mothers of us All. Thank You for Home.
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Welcome home, Maria, Ken and Finn -
ReplyDeleteYou sound so much happier already!
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ReplyDeleteMaria, Ken, and Finn, I'll be praying you find your own home and feel totally at home SOON!