That is where we are headed, today, to celebrate a friend's birthday. That is our PLAN, anyway.
We met them at the beach a few weeks ago, these friends, new friends we first met at a 4th of July party and liked, friends who are artists and teachers and workers for Obama, people right up our emotional alley. That over there to the left is a picture of our encampment. Sea Wall / Sand Castle designed and constructed by Ken, to save us all from the waxing surf.
Makin' friends - as I posted before, it's a process. It's why we miss home, Seattle, so much - all those people who know us, who have known us for years and years, who showed up to birthday parties and Solstice parties and who opened their doors to us on Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter and summer picnic gatherings.
We miss them. We miss YOU - since you're probably the ones reading this.
And now we are here, in the southern corner of the United States, and we're trying to make new friends.
And Kenny & I reverb back to adolescence, wondering Will They Like Us, Are We Weird, and sometimes (frequently) end up staying home with our heads under the covers. Which we can easily disguise as Playing Fort With Finn.
But today, I think, we are going to be brave. We're goin' to the party. Or at least we're gonna try.
Deep breath.
Wish us luck.
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